The Libertarian Party A Guide To Its Beliefs And History

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The Libertarian Party: A Guide to its Beliefs and History

Origins and Core Values

The Libertarian Party (LP) is a political party in the United States that advocates for individual liberty, civil liberties, free markets, and a limited government.

The LP was founded in 1971 and has consistently promoted classical liberal principles:

Political Representation

A Unique Alternative

The LP presents itself as a distinct choice in American politics, distinct from the traditional two-party system.

Libertarians believe:

Electoral Success

In the 1976 election, the LP achieved its greatest success, becoming the first alternative party to gain ballot access in all 50 states and receiving over 1 million votes.

The LP has consistently remained the most successful alternative political party in the United States.


The Libertarian Party LP is a political organization dedicated to upholding individual liberty, free markets, and a limited government in American politics.

The party has consistently promoted these values since its inception and remains the number 1 alternative political party in the United States.