Robert F Kennedy Jr A Controversial Figure In The 2020 Presidential Race

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: A Controversial Figure in the 2020 Presidential Race


Robert Francis Kennedy Jr., an American politician, environmental lawyer, and anti-vaccine activist, has garnered significant attention in the upcoming 2020 presidential election.

Early Life and Career:

Born on January 17, 1954, in Washington, D.C., Kennedy Jr. is the son of Robert F. Kennedy and Ethel Kennedy.

He graduated from Harvard Law School and worked as an environmental lawyer, representing environmental organizations and advocating for conservation.

Controversial Views:

Kennedy Jr. is known for his unconventional views, particularly on the topic of vaccines.

He has publicly questioned the safety and efficacy of vaccines, alleging a link between the measles vaccine and autism—claims that have been repeatedly debunked by the scientific community.

2020 Presidential Nomination:

In 2019, Kennedy Jr. initially sought the Democratic Party's nomination for president.

However, he withdrew his candidacy in October 2019 after facing criticism for his controversial views.

Rejection from the Democratic Party:

Kennedy Jr.'s skepticism towards vaccines and his promotion of conspiracy theories have alienated him from the Democratic Party.

A 2019 poll by the Public Policy Institute of California found that 70% of California Democrats have an unfavorable view of Kennedy Jr.

Potential Impact on the Election:

Despite his withdrawal from the presidential race, Kennedy Jr.'s presence in the political landscape could potentially impact the election.

His supporters may choose to vote for third-party candidates or write in his name, potentially splitting the Democratic vote and benefiting the Republican candidate.



Robert F. Kennedy Jr. remains a controversial figure in American politics.

His unconventional views and rejection by the Democratic Party make it unlikely that he will have a significant impact on the 2020 presidential election, but his presence could potentially affect the outcome in unexpected ways.