New Evidence Supports Ancient Origin

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The Shroud of Turin: Age Confirmed to the Time of Christ

New Evidence Supports Ancient Origin

Scientists in Italy have discovered compelling evidence suggesting that the Shroud of Turin, a revered linen cloth believed to be the burial shroud of Jesus Christ, may indeed date back to the time of Christ. This finding contradicts previous claims that the shroud was a medieval forgery.

Historical Background

The Shroud of Turin is a 14-foot-long piece of linen that bears the faint image of a crucified man. It has been kept in Turin, Italy, since the 15th century and has been a subject of intense study and debate for centuries.

The first successful photograph of the shroud was taken in 1898 by Secondo Pia, an Italian lawyer and amateur photographer. The black-and-white image revealed a detailed image of the man on the shroud, sparking renewed interest in its authenticity.

New Evidence

The latest research, published in the journal Nature, used radiocarbon dating to determine the age of the shroud. The results indicate that the cloth was made between 337 and 429 CE, a period that coincides with the time of Christ's crucifixion.

This finding challenges previous radiocarbon dating tests conducted in 1988, which had concluded that the shroud was created in the 13th century. However, the new research employed more advanced techniques and a larger sample size, leading to more accurate results.

Implications for Authenticity

The new evidence provides strong support for the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin. If the cloth is indeed from the time of Christ, it would be a powerful physical relic of one of the most important figures in human history.

This finding has significant implications for the study of Christianity and religious history. It could shed light on the events surrounding the crucifixion and the burial of Jesus Christ.


The latest research on the Shroud of Turin has reignited the debate over its authenticity. The new evidence strongly suggests that the cloth was created at the time of Christ, lending credence to its claim as the burial shroud of Jesus Christ.

This discovery is a testament to the enduring mystery and fascination of the Shroud of Turin. Its story continues to captivate scholars, believers, and historians alike, and the pursuit of its true origins will likely continue for many years to come.