Feeder Cattle The Backbone Of The Beef Industry

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Feeder Cattle: The Backbone of the Beef Industry

What Are Feeder Cattle?

Feeder cattle, also known as store cattle, are young cattle destined for backgrounding or fattening before slaughter. They are typically between 6 and 12 months old and weigh between 400 and 800 pounds.

Why Feeder Cattle Are Important

Feeder cattle play a vital role in our food system by providing the foundation for beef production. They are the intermediate stage between calves and finished cattle, and their health and quality directly impact the quality of the beef we consume.

Production of Feeder Cattle

Feeder cattle are typically raised on pasture or in feedlots. They are fed a diet of grass, hay, and grain to promote growth and weight gain.

Factors Affecting Feeder Cattle Prices

Feeder cattle prices are influenced by several factors, including:

Investing in Feeder Cattle

Raising feeder cattle can be a profitable endeavor for livestock farmers. However, it also requires significant investment, management skills, and market knowledge.

CME Group provides Feeder Cattle Quotes for those interested in trading feeder cattle futures contracts.


Feeder cattle are an essential part of the beef industry, providing the foundation for the production of high-quality beef. Understanding the factors that affect feeder cattle prices and the importance of proper management practices is crucial for farmers looking to succeed in this sector.