Canada Lynx Spotted In Vermont For First Time Since 2018

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Canada Lynx Spotted in Vermont for First Time Since 2018

Endangered Species Makes Rare Appearance

The Canada lynx, a threatened species, has been spotted in Vermont for the first time since 2018, according to the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department (VFWD).

Key Findings

Conservation Implications

The sighting of the lynx is a positive sign for conservationists, as it indicates that the species is still present in Vermont.

The VFWD is working to protect the lynx and its habitat, which includes forests and wetlands.

The lynx is listed as a threatened species under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.

Other Sightings

There have been other unconfirmed reports of lynx sightings in Vermont in recent years, but this is the first confirmed sighting since 2018.

The VFWD encourages people to report any sightings of lynx to the department.

Additional Information

For more information on the Canada lynx, please visit the following websites: